Thursday, October 22, 2009

As Seen In: October Home Beautiful

This post is a little late to reach you, however we thought it was a goody to share as it describes the Dandi design process and also showcases our lovely Caroline. An extract from this interview with Virginia Jen of Home Beautiful Australia is below.

"Our contemporary, graphic approach celebrates our natives landscapes, we take inspiration from the environment but aren't too literal with it. It could be the use of colour from a landscape or the shape of leaf that starts of a design.

Each design and product comes to fruition in an organic, collaborative design process. We all start sketching. One of us may start the design and then someone else jumps in and adds their bit. It's not about one person's individual talent - we work off our strength as a team. We Never stop designing - our studio walls are covered with ideas for future ranges, the hard part is deciding which design is ready to be set free. "


Emma said...

It seems you ladies are popping up everywhere these days - I just was flicking through my Notebook magazine and saw your bamboo board. Congrats on the multitude of exposure!